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Sunday 7 July 2019

Wouldn't Even Explain you.

Forgive me for being late to this particular party. but here is my take on a few things basically Sargon related. In particular its the supposed joke / comeback to MP Jess Phillips that I need to address and matters arising from such.

Cards on the table first. I have been a subscriber to Sargon's Channel since gamergate, the popular uprising against corrupt game journalists, along with Thunderf00t and Mr Metokur/ Internet Aristocrat.  Possibly two of his biggest detractors.  My politics are centre right. Think the 2011 election in the UK lib dem power sharing but with acutal likeable people in charge, that's basically my politics, in a nutshell.

The joke?

I kinda like the actual joke, even if it's not funny in the first place.  The context is that Sargon hates Jess Phillips because of her laughing at Male Suicide numbers in a parliamentary debate. The wouldn't even rape you remark is part of a twitter spat between the two, which this culminated in him being kicked off Twitter for good (and previously banned for posting interracial gay pr0n on an exchange with the alt right.)

Its a pretty savage comeback and it ranks as one of the better insults I've heard, if not particularly funny.  My take on it, is this. I read this as an act beneath him to do. As a woman he wouldn't rape her because she wasn't worth it. She's so utterly below him as a person, that he wouldn't carry it out. And apparently I'm wrong. Sorta.

Its more like, I wouldn't rape you because its abhorrent, (and rape is, if you're wondering.) and that although if the opportunity arose, then he still wouldn't.  Maybe it's both, maybe it's neither I just wanted to do my take on this joke. 


Of course when the whole UKIP MEP candidacy arose, the press had a field day, dragging up these tweets and bringing it into the open and totally misrepresenting his word, by calling them rape threats. They're not, by the way. It's a statement of  disintent rather than intent. And proves my point that modern news publishing is a joke. And it went full circle with him adding that he would consider it, but there wasn't enough beer in world for him to contemplate it.

The final evolution of the whole thing is a spot on Have I Got News For you a previously funny show, that I gave up watching a few years back. With the never funny Jo Brand as guest host, and Jess Phillips as a contestant, calling him a neckbeard and laughing at him getting milkshaked by left wing incels at a  UJKIP rally. 


I still don't find it funny, most internet drama isn't, and while I rate it as a top drawer insult and comeback, it's not really humorous as such. Those describing it as a joke or as comedy then please don't, Sargon: A. isn't a comedian and B, its an insult, an aside, a come back and should be treated as such.

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