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Sunday 30 July 2023

MTV Dragonball: a fuzzy memory

God knows why I'm remembering this now, or what triggered this, but, take what you see next with a pinch of salt. 

Mid 90's MTV, where they still showed Music videos and the heyday of Beavis and Butthead. For some reason I remember they showed a live action version of Dragonball once. Literally all I can remember is a clip of Master Roushi poncing about his island with, I think, a turtle with him. He may have had a sofa, too,  though that is not important.

I do remember it being around  the same time as the ident of the alien zapping his own weiner*, and I think Sifl and Olly show in the breaks. Though looking up that would put it at around 1998 or so. 

I have actually seen the show a few times and its not either Dragonball or Dragonball Z or even Super which was on when I was on holiday. No I'm pretty sure it was live action. May have been on before Ray Cokes show or after. This joins the pro grainen Parrot cereal ad for fuzzy memories via MTV.  

*You wish of course to know more 'bout the green alien clip. It was a clip of a green, grinning alien facing the camera waist height on some lunar scape. His unit pops up and he grins and shows its a cucumber,  which he zaps with his laser. Of course he actually gets an erection and then zaps that with his ray gun, much to his shock. 

Sunday 23 July 2023

Cave in

 So we're onto the hardbacks now. There is a few of these versions here in from I think the Apeman's Secret to Skyfire Puzzle, that are released in hard back originally. This if you haven't guessed is a short review of Cave in. 

The Hardys have a case where they are looking for a missing film star, one  Richard Chase. He has gone missing from a low budged horror movie being shot up at lake Tahoe in California  and the boys try and get extra slots in the film. They manage to grab a spot backstage and Chet Morton manages an extra spot on the account of him being fat. 

 So where's the cave in?

There is a feud going on between the ski centre boys and Oreville town dating back to a mining disaster some years back. The mine was dynamited and there are reports of ghostly noises in the old mine. The feud escalates with an accident on one of the ski center boys whilst a hot dogging competition is being shot for the film. It nearly ends in a mass brawl by the end of the book but its all a smokescreen put up by the film studio so the mine can be worked again. 

Its not a bad book this. There is a lot more on the mine and the feud and Rich's kidnapping is sidelined for most of the story. Oh and apart from a time and southsiders and northsiders being one word in the UK version, nothing has changed much. All the US spellings are left in and a few terms like the aforementioned hot-dogging is left unchanged. 

You can  both UK and the Original versions here. 

Sunday 16 July 2023

Hayes Farm

 Just a brief visit today. The place I normally visit has new owners which means a later start. It's still a heck load of buses to get there, but actually did some good today. Helping a old lady off in a wheelchair off the bus and on to Waterstones, before noting that this was actually a short cut to the other stop I wanted.  

Place was heaving for once and the later policy meant no one was packing up.  Picked up a Junior Reid / Coldcut single and a few CDs including an A Way Of Life mix cd which I'm really hoping is more the hardcore end instead of jungle. Looks like I'm going to have to research who it is that mixed these. 

Sunday 9 July 2023

X has fallen

 Getting tired of culture war shit. There seems to be no sensible center anymore, its either left wing screeching about rich people and trans rights. Or its right wingers saying all blacks are evil and we should just send them all back.

I'll repeat, that there is no center anymore. No sensible discussion on race or immigration and nothing balanced about Trans issues. Its just extremes. 

What did this for me is following an anti labour group on the Twatter, where I should have just vetted them first. They are the worst kind of small party UKIPper lite, and have the most fucked takes on race. 

Rarely for the UK they pretty much seem to be full on godshagger mode that I'd expect from the Christian homeschooler crowd. Where there are plenty on Muslims and that you sometimes get posts about burning churches and the like. This is from a culture that pretty much sums up church going as if you ain't getting married, buried or christened then fuck off. 

I've talked about the loony right here, but the loony left is no better. All placard cunts, immigrants welcome, kill TERFS and smash the Tories, And peak for this is Jeremy Corbyn would have been an excellent leader, despite being a commie weirdo and Hamas shill. 

The sensible middle for this goes something like this. And can be thought of as my ideals. 

Not everyone is welcome, Not everyone is a scrounger, face persecution that we can prove and you can stay, be a productive member of society and more importantly, integrate into your community. 

Be a criminal and you will be jailed in your country of origin. 

The  Trans shit is pretty easy too. I don't care. So long as you do not push it on children / autistics and transition with genuine dysphoria as an adult. All I ask is for you to pass, and not be an insufferable cunt. I consider it to be a third identity i.e. Trans as a gender in its own right rather than usurp the original sex. And if you do, don't change the language to something cringe like birthing person or call it a bonus hole (surely a ringpiece euphemism at best).  

Sunday 2 July 2023


 Two unavoidable medical bits this week. First of all I had a long overdue appointment with a squint clinic at the local hospital. For those wondering, it doesn't impact my life much, rare double vision and that. but after a battery of tests and some eyedrops. The upshot is it's not treatable, it rarely impacts my life but if it does come back, call.

The second is a root canal to save a tooth that my new dentist says couldn't be saved. It's still sore and worst of all it's the side I eat on, so will have to go slow these next few weeks. 

The one stand out good thing this week (Apart from Aphex Twin BB Life recorder 21F) is that a big Agave that is in someone's front garden for as long as I can remember is going to flower. We have of course snapped a cheeky pic, as I don't think they care much. If that was me, you would get  an update from the moment I noticed it was in bud.