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Sunday 12 May 2024

Junk Tour and boot sale

This isn't the first junk tour of the year but its the first that I've had based on what I've seen from Twitter of all places. 

I follow some of the Viz writers and watching a trip up to Victoria station, it seems that there is a gachapon place there. With a few banks of capsule vending machines, but I never found the place, we did find a place that sold rubber ducks. So its not all bad. 

The house of Mr Jammy

We did our usual trip along Wilton Road to the shopping place there. The shops didn't have much and we got root bear, which was nice but didn't see the shop cat which I saw before. Picked up a Marimba CD and a few twelves.


We was late at the bootsale due to the bus being late. So we had to make do looking around the discarded piles Picked up a wet floor sign and managed to buy a back to basics CD in a metal tin. Which was nice. Also stuck with two trash CDs including Migos Trap and Nick Harper for what I wanted (late 80's German house from a bunch that would go on to do much better things).

Sunday 5 May 2024

Laws of life.

 This is some nonsense that you can ignore. It may not even be correct at all, but I've been watching creationist stuff, about the universe needing a creator and also about how the universe seems to have some laws on how it works over every discipline of science. Relax I'm not going full retard here and saying that there is a god. Far from it. It's just that I've been thinking about how it could work.

A few things such as Answers in Megadrive putting up a short on Fractals, and saying that there must be a god, because maths. Then looking at the laws of thermodynamics and such, saying that energy cannot be created from nothing. There has to be something. And lastly, all the laws of chemistry and biology. In other words, what if these laws are part of a larger whole. What if that is god.

If the supreme deity is just some great overall superscript that when run creates things with a set of defined rules that allows a universe to run with minimal input. You really wouldn't need man made  religions and stuff, superscript cares little for humanity, its just a byproduct of these instructions. If life progresses, then it could be anything here. There is no salvation, because life is not guaranteed and if it is, is largely down to chance that it makes it to an advanced level. 

There are laws governing how life progresses but whether it progresses to anything resembling intelligence is another matter entirely.  

In other words you have a god, but it cares naught for you. it cannot be worshipped or acknowledge prayers, it cannot save you from yourself. You are alone in this universe. Only You.