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Sunday 23 July 2023

Cave in

 So we're onto the hardbacks now. There is a few of these versions here in from I think the Apeman's Secret to Skyfire Puzzle, that are released in hard back originally. This if you haven't guessed is a short review of Cave in. 

The Hardys have a case where they are looking for a missing film star, one  Richard Chase. He has gone missing from a low budged horror movie being shot up at lake Tahoe in California  and the boys try and get extra slots in the film. They manage to grab a spot backstage and Chet Morton manages an extra spot on the account of him being fat. 

 So where's the cave in?

There is a feud going on between the ski centre boys and Oreville town dating back to a mining disaster some years back. The mine was dynamited and there are reports of ghostly noises in the old mine. The feud escalates with an accident on one of the ski center boys whilst a hot dogging competition is being shot for the film. It nearly ends in a mass brawl by the end of the book but its all a smokescreen put up by the film studio so the mine can be worked again. 

Its not a bad book this. There is a lot more on the mine and the feud and Rich's kidnapping is sidelined for most of the story. Oh and apart from a time and southsiders and northsiders being one word in the UK version, nothing has changed much. All the US spellings are left in and a few terms like the aforementioned hot-dogging is left unchanged. 

You can  both UK and the Original versions here. 

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