God knows why I'm remembering this now, or what triggered this, but, take what you see next with a pinch of salt.
Mid 90's MTV, where they still showed Music videos and the heyday of Beavis and Butthead. For some reason I remember they showed a live action version of Dragonball once. Literally all I can remember is a clip of Master Roushi poncing about his island with, I think, a turtle with him. He may have had a sofa, too, though that is not important.
I do remember it being around the same time as the ident of the alien zapping his own weiner*, and I think Sifl and Olly show in the breaks. Though looking up that would put it at around 1998 or so.
I have actually seen the show a few times and its not either Dragonball or Dragonball Z or even Super which was on when I was on holiday. No I'm pretty sure it was live action. May have been on before Ray Cokes show or after. This joins the pro grainen Parrot cereal ad for fuzzy memories via MTV.
*You wish of course to know more 'bout the green alien clip. It was a clip of a green, grinning alien facing the camera waist height on some lunar scape. His unit pops up and he grins and shows its a cucumber, which he zaps with his laser. Of course he actually gets an erection and then zaps that with his ray gun, much to his shock.