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Sunday 5 March 2023

History month

I know this is going to get all the idiots out of the woodwork. Especially those with low reading comprehension. But just hear me out. I don't think black history month should be a universal holiday.

I know what sparked this off in the first place, watching or rather listening to a video by Just Some Guy on Youtube. Covering the comic March, about the civil rights movement in America, essentially Black Americas long march from segregation and racism to acceptance via MLK, Rosa Parks and other Black leaders. It struck me, in the UK we don't have this baggage. It's not that there weren't racists growing up or that they didn't face bad stuff. We didn't segregate people or schools nor have Jim Crow laws or lynching people for spurious crimes.

Which brings me to the main point of it all, what I took away from this is. Our Black history is mostly post war with limited immigration of Africans (Sailors and Mercs mainly) in previous centuries. It didn't amount to many people, whereas we do have quite a large debt to the orient. East India companies exploring India, China, Hong Kong and Malaysia. The Raj and such, why do we need a black history month when they impacted on us so little, when South Asia and the Far east cast a long shadow on UK history.

Even worse is other countries adopting this, does a black history month make sense in Africa or where the reach of the Black diaspora hardly set foot, if at all. I still say its important for America to remember what they did and not repeat the same mistakes. But for the rest of us maybe its time to broaden that definition on who counts as black.

Non white history month anyone. 

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