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Sunday 13 June 2021

Round up again

 Here is a round up of some old articles and a new scan of stuff. First up is an update on Haiti, of all places.


The current BCSS journal has 10 page exploration of Haiti undertaken by Paul Hoxey and some fellows from the Gibraltar Botanic Garden. It focuses on a new Melocactus from the north of the island along with a discussion on the Opuntia offshoot Consolea in the islands. There is a huge obituary for Terry Smale which I also covered a few months back.

There is a great article on the succulent Malvaceae so all you Baobab fans will certainly get a kick out of this. Me, I haven't read it yet, just flicked through, though it does have the World tree from Maya lore aka the Ceiba along with Sterculia and Brachychiton, both Aussie bottle trees.

Edit, Article read now and it, indeed, rocks.

Amiga disk artwork.

Found this floppy whilst giving my room a clear out. Its in a hard plastic case and can remember getting this from Greytronics in Croydon, when we went to have our disk drive replaced. They had a few of these in a box on a shelf. I think I got relockick downgrader* and this and will scan that if I can find it.

Bombmania if the name doesn't explain it, is a Bomberman clone for the Amiga 1200, can't remember if it was a good PD game or not, just that for some reason it has a scroller for our dear daddy at Irata on the title screen._

 * Found it, it's called Kick 1.3 and is indeed a kickstart rom downgrader for Amiga 500+ through to Amiga 4000 computer line. It has a label and "Boxart" so will add this as an addendum, if I think of it.

Well printer needed ink in order for the scanner to function, which is triply fucked, but after selling a kidney to buy ink, we now have these scanned too.

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