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Sunday 6 June 2021

I regret to inform you that the Gamers are "mass killing" again

Seems that us ragging on Jack Thompson back in the 90's wasn't enough for the hacks at the Daily Fail, as they've brought the old video game violence argument back, due to a spate of machete attacks across London. (Pro tip: Greenwich maybe leafy, but its basically the inner city with some trees.)

The original article is here if you want to see how much they've fucked up. And given the amount of people just clowning on the main points in the article, or, pointing out that the lax amount of justice dealt out to criminals who routinely carry knives, you can see their point.

Its been 30 years on from Mortal Kombat, a good 22 or so from GTA was released for the PS1 and although there has been regular studies showing no real link between video game violence and real world violence. These bastards still trot it out as if it was real, established fact.

Put it this way, given the massive amounts of surplus Fifa games that regularly turn up in bargain bins and charity shops, and that everything gaming has a real world effect. Shouldn't England (or Wales, or Scotland or Norn Iron. too) be absolutely awash with top rate footballers, instead of us crashing out at the quarter finals like in every world cup.

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