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Saturday 26 December 2020

Review of 2020 continues.

 Yesterday I put up our annual review of the year. 2020 which of course sucked. So you'll be wanting a lot of television to take away your pain and... well that was knacked as well.

SARS2 did in a lot of live stuff and on a positive note killed off Eastenders for a while before coming back, much as it was. 

If you want our Miranda awards they're at the bottom of the page under the good TV.

Good TV

Perry Mason. Sky Atlantic

I sincerely hope that this is getting a regular season or at least an update to this. As, fucking hell, it's good. It details his transition from a two bit private eye, to unorthodox public defender via depression era America. So think old cars, segregation, police corruption and revival churches. This centers on a child abduction and murder, kinda like the Charles Lindbergh case. One to catch on DVD. HBO, SKY Atlantic.

Hubble. BBC2

A humble documentary about the troubled star scope. Its just an excuse to see a billion good things that had been discovered by the venerable telescope. Includes galaxies and star clusters. Proving that the BBC can put out a good show if it has to.

White House Farm ITV.

A similar form to Perry Mason. This focuses on the Jeremy Bamber murder case back in the 1980's in which he killed members of his extended family and his subsequent police case and capture. It has that authentic 80's jank that only those that were there will understand. Hangovers of 70's fashion and design with kitsch and earlier heirlooms. Well worth watching.

Tutankhamun in Colour

Final BBC entry here. This is a monumental colorizing job on old photos and film from the Howard Carter / Lord Caernavon expedition to Egypt, where they rediscovered king Tuts tomb. It brings it all to life with some excellent photo editing work. Also Carter was a bit of a hero, giving full props to his native workers and that, when most back then wouldn't.

The Miranda Awards for televisual ineptitude. Worst of 2020.

Twilight Zone. Reboot.

The worst of the worst. A woke reworking of the classic Ron Serling show. Do you want all cops kill minorities no matter what you do story. Of course you don't. Want a meteor storm that turns all men into rapey monsters. Apart from a few low T soy boys and a queer kid. Its depressing and woke, worse of all its fuck all fun. 


For once they managed to kill it off thanks to SARS2. They ran out of episodes and had to air the glory years such as Dirty Den and Angie and Arfur Fowler stealing the xmas club money. Apart from that, though it sucked. A Marchioness disaster rip off in which Denny dies (yay) and that whole episode from the perspective of mental Ben. Which, apart from sounding like Merzbow in places due to him being deaf, is ruined by it being depressing as usual. 

The final bit is the whole Ian Beale getting assassinated and no one, ever calling it Kill |Beale. Which is a missed opportunity.

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