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Sunday, 9 March 2025

New video

 Not much to add this week, that we have a new VCR. It's a Hitachi with all the bells and whistles from the latter end of the 1990's. Think videoplus and NTSC playback, which is nice.

In related news some boring tape of mid 80's home movies has turned out to be quite the gold mine as when the shots of Devon cut we have a bit of Price is Right and the show Hokey Cokey which is clearly the inspiration for Don't You Start.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Marty Baines is my spirit animal.

 Or why Unforgotten gets autism sort of right. Spoilers ahead for the current season of Unforgotten, if you're watching along, be warned. 

So Unforgotten finished last Monday. A deeply unsatisfying end where the lecturer's daughter killed off her dad because he was a *wifebeater, the gaylord illegal stayed and the Irish bird resigned. Incidentally there is no way in the world the ungrateful SJW kids in her class would have accepted her apology IRL, I know how the left operate, and she would be persona non grata online and a pariah off, look at Graham Lineham and his stance on trans issues for massive bridge burning, psychopathic left wing rage. 

No what I'm really going to say here is that Marty Baines played by Maximilian Fairley is my quintessential good portrayal of Autism, I believe he, like me is a fellow Autist, Checks, yes he is and it's  a hell of a good debut, too. If he doesn't win awards for this I'll be sad.

We see him part of a right leaning Incel forum and  try to deal with social services ,who either don't care of massively overstretched. He gradually loses the plot, not helped by fact he has to care for his mum (Betty from Some Mothers do have 'em). Most shows seem to see us as savants or non verbal, so to see us as we truly are, broken, barely functional but still human. It's a rarity. I know how much I hate chipper sods like the guy from Big Bang theory. Or quirky, childlike personalities as in some movies. Here is someone who speaks for me.

He has unconventional ways, likes to break and enter, is scruffy and is very much isolated. He also has a love of planes and right wing politics. Including believing in absolute bollocks such as the WEF, and other conspiraloon theories. But I've never seen someone approach autism like this. The total no future, no guts no girl, no glory that this disability is. Also the awkwardness of it all, the amount of times I've screwed up in life is unreal, thanks to not being able to read a person. In the end to retreat and family are often your only friends. 

In the end, with his mum in hospital (wouldn't this be Bucklands as its set in Deal / Dover I had an aunty live and work for Bucklands.) and there is the brief carrot of some help on the horizon, social workers and perhaps a way off the pills he's prescribed. 

* I've never actually seen a show where its the woman who's the violent one for once or a mix of the two like my old neighbours were. Especially if alcohol is a major player in the relationship.  Kicking and yelling and beating lumps out of each other. I tell a lie Father Ted for the last one and they put on a front where Ted shows up and resume when he's out of shot. 

Sunday, 23 February 2025

A Den of Demons

 So we're up to book 79 and The Demon's Den is quite a nice little read for you. And yes its going to get a little strange, as it covers an Apocalypse cult (red herring this) Paul Bunyan and Genetic Engineering. 

Or as someone who's clearly not read past the first few chapters in this says, 

"Pretty weird. Over the top. You know who doesn't need to be in a Hardy Boys book? Satan."

The doomsday cult in this gets the blame for the kidnapping of an athlete's son, the boys travel to Canada on the advice of their dad to see if someone was carrying a genetically modified virus from a secret group and find that its actually a programme to breed a race of super-athletes instead. 

This came out in 1984 and 40 years on with all the advances in genetics made,  (cough CRISPR and Genetic Engineering) we're still no nearer of doing what the guys are supposed to do in this. It's not completely whacked out (the Original Disappearing Floor is still the one to beat for this) but it's still not the best for science. Oh and there is no Satan in this, its actually Paul Bunyan's camp in Canada, named by the cult, instead. 

Anyway its a late era book, so no changes in between versions.  Choose either UK or US original.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

A boring update.

This seems to have fixed all the posts that have been wrecked by it switching to HTML View. I know it isn't much, but I pride myself on having posts that at least have proper paragraphs and basic grammar.

In an unrelated note, I've been fact checked on X, a post on what is clearly Plumstead high street got a sure (OP had it as Lewisham). Now you're probably not local but it's just plain misinformation, to say a vid is from one area when to a local whose lived here all their life, it plainly isn't is taking the piss.  

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Bus route.

We never got a direct bus route from Thamesmead to Eltham & I don't know why its ever been attempted, either? So of course in spare moments, I've been thinking how the route would actually work out as well. 

Those with long memories and lived in the area will remember the old 272 route which went to Thamesmead and was superseded by the 472 route. I think it would go something like this. 

You would have to start off at Morrisons / the Local pool in Thamesmead and would either have to follow its own route and maybe go along Alsike Road to reach Abbey wood or just take most of the 177 route through Abbey Wood. I'm pretty sure this would need a stop at Abbey Wood Station and from then on you would either cut along McCleod Road or my guess go up Knee Hill and cut down Bostall Hill. 

I don't want it to serve Plumstead High Street, so we'll have it cut up Wickham Lane and pretty much follow the 96 route up to Welling where we'll chuck a right, along Bellegrove Road.  We can then turn at Welling Station and follow the 51 Route along the back roads before coming out at the Common. From then on its right all the way down Burrage Road to Woolwich and then round the corner to Tescos.

Our final leg is up the hill to the QE Hospital before cutting back to Well Hall and splitting left down and ending up at Eltham Bus Station. 


Sunday, 2 February 2025

Snake Year

Went up  town yesterday for Chinese New Year. Always go every year. No fan of fireworks or noise but with the bustle there and drums it's OK. 

Managed to win my money back on slots but got Jewed out of 50p by the machine so all I got back was a fiver, and had a meltdown in Sounds of The Universe. A mix of Caffeine and various things, not good. But managed to hold it together enough to get out, shame really as they were playing classic dub reggae. 

Finally have been taking a look at old posts I've done and revising them so that they now have proper paragraphs and shit. I'll leave you with a nice shot of the dragon lion.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Outlaws Silver

I'm seriously going to look into a Wordpress incarnation of this site, as blogger has become unusable over the past few months. Stuff that has proper paragraphs just get lumped into one and there is the ever present Google censorship to contend with. Doing a feminish got ratioed before they found out it wasn't that bad. Anyway. The Outlaws Silver. The 65th Hardy boys book here and its basically a trip out to the pine woods of New Jersey for the brothers, but also Chet Morton, Biff Hooper and Tony Prito. The official reason they're out there is that Frank manages to get reverse pickpocketed a little Jersey Devil figure that leads them out looking for redcoat pirate treasure. 

The other reason is that a man, convicted of a crime he didn't commit comes into his inheritance along with a pardon for what he didn't do. Of course our boys track him down and the treasure but not without some trouble. It seems that he's a doctor in those parts now, and the people round there are fond of him and protect him. Wiki has a good resume of what a Piney is here,  but for the ignorant its a local name for a Pine Barrens resident.

Because the texts from 57 to at least the late 70's are the same there are no differences, between the two stories regardless of region. But , for the sake of completeness, both UK and US texts can be found here, and here.  

Edit, seems I was  using HTML view for the past two months. Oh and really wanted to talk about the recent sentencing of Axel Rudakubanana, but realized that this wouldn't get me censured, and that I had forgotten all about it until looking at the post list. 

Sunday, 19 January 2025


Our area's been in the news, no thanks to some kid getting killed on a bus. The thing is, living round here I've never seen it so bad. I wrote a piece ages ago about how if Stephen Lawrence was alive now, he would face more problems from gangs and Africans than the far right, which seems to have collapsed here, and got an angry comment saying how. Well this is how. I'll reiterate this for you, the only other reason it made news here apart from being an abhorrent racist attack is that it someone stabbed and killed wasn't an everyday thing. And no I know Ste Lawrence wasn't the only one killed. But it wasn't 20 knife attacks a year then, there wasn't a large west African community here in the 90's (Lewisham, Brixton or Peckham was much more likely, but still more West Indian than West African,) or people wanting to run with gangs and the live and die by the sword mentality they bring. 

We had a large Indian and Pakistani community that was no trouble at all. We finally kicked out the BNP some time in the late 90's and West Africa moved in. The bingo hall became a church as did the Coronet Cinema in Woolwich (not far from where this attack took place, fact fans.) And it seems that we lost our identity along with our security. I have no solutions to these problems and if you are going to blame Islam because of the mosque I'll say it again for those at the back, we've had Muslims here for ages and have had no problems, same with the Sikhs at the gurdwara at the back of what was Gateway (now a big building project). Its Christians and fucked up gang mentality that is the cause of the problems. Maybe an eye for an eye really does make everyone blind. It certainly won't change whilst Khan is in charge.

Sunday, 12 January 2025


One of the joys of the Xbonio system is finding that stuff your old PC wasn't powerful for is now doable. And that is Elite: Dangerous. Did my first mining run today thanks to working out where the limpet drones are held. Advanced maintenance on stardocks, if you want 'em, they're about 100 CR each. And with fuel scoop and a basic refinery was able to harvest some silver and praseodymium Pro tip: get a better refinery set up. Otherwise you'll be seeing resources unallocated a lot, meaning you'll have to empty it, manually. 

I know there are guides out there which'll have you mining platinum and stuff, but its also fun just to rock up to a place with a hold full of limpets and see what you can blast out. Maybe take out a few pirates for combat practice, but they'll leave you alone if you holding nowt. Which leads me to this thought. 

Programmer Dave Lowe's music disks and programs that he worked on are being digitised on which includes Frontier the predecessor of Elite: Dangerous. It struck me, looking at this how a 3DS port of this would be the ultimate version of this. 

Of course it would have touch screen inputs for the space station parts and revised combat so you don't have to do autopilot chicken with ships just to get a few hits in. But, as the New 3ds has dual analogue sticks you could use this for pitch and yaw along with shoulder buttons for thrusters. I know they used FFWD style controls to skip time. A predecessor of the Frame Shift Device in Dangerous, but the 3DS has enough buttons to make it halfway between Frontier and Dangerous. 

Finally, the only reason this is on 3DS is because you can view it in 3d thanks to the slider. I never put it on myself, but I can imagine this being quite cool. I'm pretty sure that due the 3DS being a weak follow up to the DS and coming at an awkward time in the industry, coupled with the fact that Frontier Developments still are a smallish company, that it was never considered. But I wouldn't mind seeing this as homebrew, nonetheless.

Edit. Now running a Cobra MKIII, decentish hold, and managed to find a place to mine Palladium like in the tutorial. Go for dinner, find out I'm being targeted by pirates and get killed. Respawn in Alpha somewhere and now have a barebones ship and no docking. But finally manage to land manually. Life can be a bitch sometimes.

Sunday, 5 January 2025

XBOX Live! and Direct.

We now have an Xbox one and a new PC. Though if honest we've had the XBOX base unit for ages. We were looking for something on Begay (eBay) and saw a listing for a cheap Xbox One PSU. Coupled with Argos doing cheap wired pads and we now have a working XBOX One unit. 

If we're honest though it feels a lot like Windows XP era computing, everything that can run from disk needs a massive update to play and that eats into the finite amount of space on disk. Just grateful it runs stuff from disk still. 

 The computer I have from 2016 has finally succumbed to its many cuts. We lost trackpad support a year in, CDROM support a good few years later, along with patchy Wifi despite me being right next to the router. The final straw is losing all audio support. So we're now £550 poorer but now am back to a desktop. 

A lot has changed in the PC market since them, it seems I've got less for my cash. Everything is running from SSD now at either 256 or 512 GB. Where I had a 2tb rust spinner on the old set up. Memory seems to be set at 8gb with few going over into 16GB. I know processors are faster now but Windows 11 feels like a retard version of MacOS. No I don't want copilot or to set up a Windows Hello key. I certainly don't want bastard Cortana or half my tool bar to just be a weather app that when clicked on displays local news. I have a phone that does that, and better. 

Finally there doesn't seem to be much CFW / hacking activity going on with the XBonio or one. The Original XBOX was the goat for this and with some soldering knowledge you could do 360. Personally I'd love to decouple this from the M$ eco system. Let it run a version of Firefox instead of Edge. Let it get Foobar2000 instead of windows Media player. And most of all from the XP era let it get no CD cracks, so you can install it from disk to HD to run it.