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Sunday, 24 November 2024

KTEL games

Got a bunch of old videos from the last boot-sale of the season. Home recorded stuff, which includes early things on Channel 4 and ITV. Namely someone's recording of Grand Hotel with Marlene Dietrich and what I'm going to talk about today. 

A home recording of Cosgrove and Halls The Wind in the Willows. Or rather, one specific ad found on this. KTEL are known for either fad kitchen gadgets or shoddy compilation records from the 70's, which includes this which my dad still has somewhere. It seems that they had another line up to their bows as well. Video games. Mostly what you'll see on line is some sort of double ended Atari game trash, but it seems that for the British market they also put out Speccy / Vic20 stuff.  

 Looks like there were a few tapes as well as the one's in the vid. There is a full list here of what Speccy games were put out. VIC2O fans can go here to see all of KTels releases for that platform. Keep you posted if I find anything else of note.

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