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Sunday, 17 November 2024

Can you tell me what it is yet.

Currently reading through disgraced children's TV presenter Rolf Harris's True Animal Tales, a free pick up from the bootsale, and it's not a bad read. Its a small collection of mainly true stories that normally would be confined to a side bar in Fortean Times but here are extrapolated into a whole book. You get tales of bravery and brushes with death, incredible survival and fuck all notes or indeed idea where these tales come from. 

A few I remember such as the tale of Hachiko the Akita waiting patiently for his master (transcribed incorrectly here) at Shibuya station, but of course never coming home. A baboon that was employed as a signalman in Victorian South Africa and a few massive animal treks, A la the journey home. 

There is an audio book version of this listed on Amazon along with the book itself, really hoping Rolf himself is reading this, as that would cap it off. 

Finally a nice touch on the cover of this, Rolf covered in young pussy (and by that I mean he's smothered in kittens) that is reminiscent of Vic Reeves covered in stuffed monkeys as Hugh Scully in a Smell Of Reeves and Mortimer. Still can't beat them allegations, huh.

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