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Sunday 11 August 2024

Fighting words.

 If you've been living under a rock this past week, you can't have failed to notice that a lot of angry, pissed up blokes have been rampaging about our towns burning and looting and generally fighting the cops over what is largely thought to be "immigants coming in and taking our jerbs."

The catalyst was the stabbing of 3 young girls at a Taylor Swift yoga class by a Rwandan teen, which morphed into some world class disinfo, that it was "teh muslamics," and spread online by the far right (3 men and a dog) to turn into violent protest. Incidentally I'll put good money on that guy being a Christian from a strong god fearing family. Not saying there aren't Muslim Rwandans but if you really want to smash up a place, why not make it a church and target Christians, as its also a deadly ideology spreading hate and lies. Or is that too on the mark.

Anyway whatever was left of this now has largely burnt itself out like a scouse library and now all we have is the inverse, gangs of far left rent a mobs which are more peaceful but just as hectoring. Walls of stand up to hate and socialist wankers with endless placards and Palestinian flags. 

As you can see I'm a centrist. I don't want either groups in Britain. Far as I'm concerned people come, people go. Immigration albeit limited and legal is what made the UK, the old Eddie Izzard Mongrel Nation springs to mind. 

The ability to send back those that hate our way of life or are criminal are also what makes this country great. 

The integration of the immigrant class into our society and not balkanizing into ghettos and tribal lines are what makes this country great. 

I don't really stand with Farage or Tommy Robinson especially the latter. I will say that as part of the working class, we are never given a voice to speak about our fears. We're a Labour run and supposedly socialist democracy. Both noted poorshaggers and meant to at least be on the side of the common man. But I see none of that. 

You want the final word on this and someone who can put it better than I could. This piece from Andrew Neil a former giant of the left, and now Mail columnist.

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