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Saturday 1 January 2022

Last ever review of the year.

 Well, I thought I didn't do this, this year. Turns out I did do a preliminary best worst of 2021, and forgot about it halfway through the year. 

Oh and Happy new year, before I forget, and yes I've already put a placeholder best / worst 2022, already.

Best TV.

A Night at the Museum Channel 5.

Looking at my old stomping grounds of the Natural History Museum in South Ken. They preserve a giant squid, clean a dinosaur's bones and talk about the Humming bird exhibit. My favourite remains the Cassowary, which I always made a beeline for.

Delia Derbyshire The Myths and The Legendary Tapes.

You want a good documentary, looking into legendary sound engineer and pioneering Dance music artist. Delia Derbyshire. You want it played (and directed) by Doc Martin's wife from Doc Martin. Caroline Catz.

Seriously this is well thought out, overall. Down to giving Cosey Fanni Tutti from Chris and Cosey full props to remix and rework sounds from the collection. A definite thumbs up.

Worst TV.

Naughty Cats make you LOL. Channel 5.

Do you want click bait style lowest common denominator style garbage that would be considered low tier, even on Youtube. You want Jo Brand looking a bit like Harold Lloyd. You want unfunny commentary. Watch this. But please don't.

Olympics Japan 2020, BBC

The year when everyone stayed home and it was played behind closed doors due to a SARS2 electric boogaloo spike. The Beeb sent Claire Balding and some other bird to round up supposed funny bits to Mario Music. In other words a time to shout BAKAYAROU at the screen over and over till it goes away.


It seems all I had here then was bad shit from Kiss. but putting the olympic stuff up reminded me, due to rona exploding over there they couldn't do a live thing, that and Cornelius getting cancelled. They replaced it with a good amount of Vidya game themes, full list in that link previous.


Commitment issuses Central Cee.

Yet more piss poor rap. I don't hate rap personally but these grime / drill guys aren't bringing their best, and irony of ironies Intergalactic is playing some smacked up Memphis style shit which will knock it out the park. Something about bri'ish rappers being shit.

Riton Friday

Yeah there's a good phone list of people on this but Jesus, remember when Riton used to be good, stuff on Kitsune, and Ed Banger. Looking on you want a version of Push The Feeling on slurred by a bunch of drunk people. There's nothing to redeem this. Nothing.

And I'm done, enjoy 2022. 

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