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Sunday 12 December 2021

Nazi Eastenders

 So it looks like 30 years after the main stronghold of fascism in London died off, we're getting new Nazi's in Eastenders of all places.

A word of warning now, I don't watch Eastenders much, anymore. After the pandemic killed it off for a while, I did other things and learned to not waste my time with the soaps. Apparently, the guy in question is the cab drivers son and his sister is dating sister killer and Muslim convert Bobby Beale.

Worse, looking at the few episodes I've seen, he seems to be a massive strawman and the type of racist not seen since the BNP were run out of Welling back in the late 90's.  

I know that railing on woke culture is a thing, in fact one of my favourites. Looking at people push back against activists isn't racist, nor is questioning cancel culture or feminism. Hell even poking back at the science and  SARS 2 Electric Boogaloo even though the right have turned into largely vaccine cucks. 

FYI I'm pro science, abortion and pro vax. I'm also pro shutting the fuck up. If you have a story I do not need to hear it.

Anyway back on track, Eastenders, and apparently the only place in London in the last 30 years that hasn't gotten a mosque is apparently Walford. That's the east end of London where Brick lane is largely Bangladeshi, or taking the 5 bus along from Canning Town to Romford and looking at the amount of Masjids and South Asian owned shops, with only the Hall Churches from the Africans posing a real challenge to the status quo. 

Yeah, that east London.

Because apparently we're in a grip of a Far Right explosion (3 men and a dog, as always). That is the only reason we've gotten a far right candidate, and yeah, he's a right cunt. The sort that beat up cab drivers for being Asian with his fruity little gang of far right fags. 

You know we've suffered 7/7. trucks of peace outside Downing Street, an attack that was repelled by some dude with a Narwhal tusk, and a horrific attack at Streatham, and I'll leave it up to you to guess at who carried out these attacks. 

But you know, we never got the slightest mention of these in the show. not even 30 odd years back when Steve Lawrence and Rolan Adams was killed by the fash. And fuck me, back then it would have been much more on the nose and relevant than making a right wing character some 30 years after the event's took place

In other words, how come, after all these years we get one strawman Nazi on Eastenders and yet at the same time, not one Chinese family or even main character.


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