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Sunday 11 April 2021

Making of a Moral Panic

Been wanting to write about this for a week now. You would have gotten this, earlier, at Easter, but here it is. There seems to be another moral panic coming over pron in schools.

There is a massive sex scandal going round independent schools and such, Dulwich college springs to mind, but it's not the only place its going down. "Rape culture." is of course to blame, as is the easy access to porno. Which reminds me of the old saying correlation is not causation.

Then there are "moderates" like Sarah Vine, wife of Pob, writing about how pron is the worst and bringing up stuff like bikini shots and wider culture is to blame for sexualizing women, and lets get this straight, it's only women. 

Because gay porn does not exist, trans porn does not exist and Lesbian porn certainly does not exist. As does the consensual stuff, shot on a potato cam, badly lit in someone's bedroom, or porn directed by women for women, that I'm pretty sure does not exist. It's only the worst of the worst, rough sex porn clips you know the throat fucker type shit. yer Max Hardcore style degradation, which I personally hate. this is all porn is to those types. And no you do not get any links for those.

Its judging every film ever made, on someone viewing video nasties or torture porn horror movies, and then writing a bunch of words that this is all that movies are.

I don't doubt there is some sort of "rape culture" there. And yes you should educate young men that pron is not what fucking is IRL. There is a whole ball park of things that people will or will not do, respect and don't pressure them into doing stuff.

Oh and then there's this.

"But if there is one thing I could do, it would be this: put internet porn behind a paywall. Make it impossible – or at the very least less possible – for young children to see stuff their brains can’t comprehend. Protect them from this stuff until they are old enough not to let it damage them. Because until that happens we run the risk of blaming our children for the sins of us adults."

I will say this though growing up in the 80's and 90's there was always porno about. Either in the Newsagents on the top shelf, or ripped up in the local hedgerows and parks. Hell, in big school, you can remember when you saw your first pron mag, as sure as when the day a dog got into the school playground.  (can't have been the only one who remembers this from school, actually, every body remembers the dog in the playground.)

Rather than police what your kids do online and take an interest. Its all paywalls and stuff which will not work and kinda exist now for paysites, anyway.

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