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Sunday 11 October 2020

Travel Channel tape

 Currently going through this tape, which contains part of a Panorama (I think) Documentary on X ray damage, and the Hugh Grant / Robin Williams film, 9 months, on Sky with bonus Kleenex sponsorship. We've come to a part where the film has ended and were in entirely unknown territory. 

Like the Power Rangers tape which contained some Mr Masturbator (Motivator) keep fit bits and some CITV stuff, we're now into some Travel Channel stuff from I'm guessing 1996 or so. There's some ads from one of those CD box sets (70's music rather then the more usual Classical Collections), trails for Birds of A Feather on SelecTV, and a healthy dose of Technical Difficulties complete with a channel logo and easy listening muzak.

Travel Channel is no more now, just like Bravo and the aforementioned SelecTV. It lasted to the middle of the year where an update from SKY put it out to pasture. It was a go to in the past year as they used to show Andrew Zimmern  shows at 9pm. If for some reason you wanted to see Bizarre foods America or the World versions of said shows, this was your go to. 

Not bad shows either, mostly keeping watch to see what he would actually eat, mostly offal with the occasional ethnic niche treat. Can remember him eating Shaved Ice in Hawaii, and visiting the ever present Nouvelle Cuisine ponce, straight out of somewhere like Seattle or Brooklyn for the win.

But most of the time its somewhere deep in the country, eating roadkill or freshly hunted stuff with the local backwoodsmen or at a local fair. 

Am I sad to see Travel go, kinda. It was OK and apart from that never really had anything to interest me. Maybe an update when I've finished the whole tape.

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