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Sunday 28 October 2018

Weedle Guide.

This harks back to the first blog post I ever submitted here.  I explained what a Tibbet was (and you can see what a Tibbet is from our header) but not what a Weedle was or rather Wheedle as it was back then.

A W(h)eedle is basically a black and white cat with a white tip to its tail, its colouration should be medium neither too white or too black. He was my pet cat growing up and was called Whisky as we wanted a gender neutral name (or more accurately not saddle him with a girls/ boys name if he was the opposite gender).
Better photos when I get round to scanning our old albums there's lots of this guy.
To help you with this I've appropriated a guide from Wiki to help you understand what the various shades of Weedle are.
Incidentally that maybe catloaf stance Whisk is adopting there but we called that stance a meat pie when growing up.

If a Weedle has a black nose it is called a Kitler.

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