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Tuesday 27 December 2022

End of year Review 3 All the rest of the tat.

 You know the drill now, a round up of all the stuff that doesn't make the original first 2 posts and anything that we've forgotten from the past two posts.

Britney Spears and Elton John Tiny Cancer.

I know it should be tiny Dancer but this is the worst. Britney coming back from insanity hell with a rework of this old pile of nonsense. Possibly the only thing you'll probably enjoy from this is she's now posting nearly nude tat on Instaspam (you won't though).

Keith John Stack cartoons. 

Les + Brianne, two cartoon lesbians with a slight Beavis and Butthead overtone. It's pretty geeky TBH, but this is exactly what floats my boat. Whether its eating a load of pumpkins for halloween or just admiring the general filth of their New York flat, there is always something to admire. You can find him on twitter. but mostly on newgrounds and Masterdong the two bit commie social network. 

 Film  The Amazing Maurice and his educated Rodents.

Or just the amazing Maurice. Its a German made 3d animation of a Terry Pratchett Discworld book I've not read, which is a rarity in itself. I'm guessing set somewhere in Uberwald a sort of proto black forest / Transylvania, it stars a cat, a bunch of sentient rats and a plan to get rid of every rat from a small town somewhere out in Uberwald. I'll definitely look into reading the original.

Also it clears the nasty low budget version of the Watch made by the BBC out of my memory. You want representation, check Cheery Littlebottom isn't in Guards Guards nor is Angua, neither do they have much of a role in The Nightwatch which its both based on. Vetinari a woman, check, run a stick through my own wheels Dibbler disablist version, check. Weird non binary Cheery (original was a beardless female dwarf.) Worst sin of all omitting Nobby Nobbs and Fred Colon although that would require them to own up to all the other sins committed in this trash fire of a series. 


Neverwinton Nights,

Finally playing Neverwinter via an old PC, its pretty good you don't get visuals in cut scenes on Win 7 but everything else is, chef's kiss. The Switch version could do with them adding in touch screen controls as the interface is far too convoluted to work via buttons alone. 

Dragon Quest builders 2

Nice tribute to Minecraft, which I've never played, and only have the soundtrack to. Can see how building shit can be a massive time sink. Also gotta love the actual English localisation done on this, a Yorkshire worm, eeh, ah'll go to the foot of ah stairs.

Yoku's Island Express.

A nifty little platformer built with pinball mechanics and a lot of charm. Team 17 of course, and reminds me of old PS2 oddity Flipnic. Which is no bad thing.

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