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Sunday 19 September 2021

Six of one.

Or why this is America's 5/11.

This is a brief bit about the capital riots that happened back in January. Where a bunch of Qanon types did a guided tour of the capitols finest sites before nicking a lectern and AOC's shoes.

Of course some people died in this and such, which is bad, but no more than those that died in the George Floyd riots last summer, and with a lot less looting and burning. My main one take away from this is the little old lady standing there and the people in queues lining up.

The more I think about it, the more I get a whole Guy Fawkes vibe from it all. For those not British, Guy Fawkes was a Catholic who plotted to blow up parliament, but was caught and as of the order of the day executed. A holiday was set up where you would construct a bonfire, and set off fireworks. 

This morphed into a month long firework fest through the whole of October with a Guy made of old rags and you would ask money from passers by (i.e. a penny for the guy) before it got put on the bonfire to burn. No child has done this since the mid 90's sadly as Halloween has risen in importance since then.

If you think about it, it was a failed coup in the same vein, but with out the hanging and drawing as such. Maybe we could encourage Americans to embrace it the next year by going on guided tours and nicking lecterns.

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