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Sunday 28 January 2018

Dead Presidents

So that whole Damian Green thing ended in him being sacked in the end. Just so you know.  Frame up job or not it seems he was a harasser of sorts and that and teh pron got him fired.

In related news the BBC is running wild with a story from the Financial Times that the President Club is the worst thing ever.  I came back from watching France 24 over lunch and was going back to work when this whole harassment thing was the lead story.  No mention of the Taliban's attack on the Save the  Children mission in Afghanistan or anything just blanket wall to wall coverage of a fundraising night gone wrong. 

Billed as the most un PC night ever, several very rich and powerful men decided to be jerks whilst giving to charity, cue groping and some inappropriate hand holding.  Several of the charities gave back all the donations that were given which is a fucking cop out  in my eyes.  Just trouser the cash and be done with it, I know you have moral scruples and such but a donation is a donation.  Beggars (and I've seen your adverts on TV) cannot be choosers.

All the usual bollocks about the *wage gap and patriarchy was wheeled out and Jess Phillips stood up and said words and did very little, as she always does.  In the end it'll blow over and nothing will change, because fundamentally all that complaining does very little to end the genuine sexism that you see in the Arab world for instance where Saudi Arabia very generously let women drive for the first time unaccompanied.  We aren't perfect in the west but I always thought we are on a constant upward spiral of getting there via rights and stuff are concerned.

*1970 Equal Pay act.

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