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Sunday, 27 October 2024

Uptown Ranking

A round up of stuff if you will. Yesterday we went up town to see if the Orb's Orboretum was released, Spoiler it wasn't. But it gave us a chance to get out and see London, for the first time in ages. 

Well the non burb bits, anyway. There was a march planned to unite the right. I never saw any of these supposed Nazis, but I did see a bunch of crusty, Socialist Wanker types lurking by the Eros statue in Piccadilly. In fact it was a funny old day after all. A couple of things I wanted were either disappointing or not out yet. 

Also managed to find a Meta Quest at work. And after a lot of faff managed to get it to work. I suppose if you buy into VR as the future it's OK, I ended up getting a headache after 5 minutes or so, and my wreck of a laptop is definitely not supported. So we downloaded Kid Icarus for SNES instead, and am having fun with that. Finally leave you with the funniest sign I saw from the Socialist Wanker types.

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Family stuff.

Don't usually post the personal here. Its not important to the wider world to know about me too much, I'm not a celeb and my life isn't interesting. 

We took a trip out west to seem my Aunty for the day, haven't seen her for about a year or so, though my mum keeps in touch. She has a small dog that's an absolute nutter and she quickly settled in to destroying her favourite toy. 

Took the cross rail to Heathrow and then a bus on. It's the first time I've ever been to Heathrow airport in any context and well, its a big airport. Eavesdropped on some people on the train over. Hilarious anecdote about her boyfriend eating half her birth control pills and wondering why he got all grumpy. Got to see my cousin and learned that my other cousin is hoping to get married next year. I wish them luck in all that they do, especially if they want kids. 

Aunty is doing fine, and liked the birthday card I sent. 

Finally, if you're a fellow robot who hates noise and such then Hayes and Harlington is not a good place to wait for the Heathrow bound train for crossing over. I counted at least 4 express trains rocketing through and its the closest I've come to a meltdown in ages. Not good.

Sunday, 13 October 2024

Masked Monkeys

So the Masked Monkey or the Hardys go to Brazil. 

 A nice case here for the boys tracking down the sensitive son of rich industrialist J.G. Retson. There's a good subplot of Chet running a golf ball extraction empire from his pick up truck (surely on loan from the Morton farm). But mostly its the boys in Brazil trying to avoid the attention of a masked howler monkey called Diabo, and his owner Joachim San Marten. 

 Anyway you know the drill. Original Here and the UK version Here.

Sunday, 6 October 2024

Kamikaze Rats.

Here's a real mystery. This comes from a bootsale pick up of an old copy of New Scientist dated 5-2-81. That's the Fifth of February. An article in their forum section, details a new video game from Japan called Rat Patrol. No developer given nor publisher. I will quote the article below in full as I'm not sure if this place can do scans now. 

Kamikazi sic Rats 

Hot from Japan is perhaps the dottiest video game yet, Rat Patrol. Hordes of brown rats dive from the sky (yes, the sky) onto a peaceful city. Charles Fort and Arthur C Clarke would love it: it beats showers of fish or frogs any day. With quite unrat-like stupidity, the beasts plunge into the hail of fire from your laser weapon, expiring with pitiful squeaks when hit. Rats which survive their skydive make nests in the bowels of the city and generally cause trouble. As the game proceeds, strange flying objects appear, bearing a read heart-shaped symbol. These are a kind of aerial love hotel for rats- centres of reproduction from which fresh supplies of vermin pour forth. If you can contain your laughter at the sheer absurdity (well, they are called amusement machines) you will find that it is quite a good game. But arcade operators had better watch out. As every scientist knows, there are now many people who find cruelty to rats no laughing matter. An animal-lover who is not amused by this particular amusement might feel entirely justified in sticking his chewing gum in the coinslot so as to protect the minds of the young and the dignity of our fellow mammals. As far as we know, there is still no Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Space Invaders. 

Joking aside about as society for the prevention of gamer cruelty. What is this, exactly. Its not a bootleg Space invaders, nor Galaxian as the whole spawn bit doesn't work with this nor does the landing either as Galaxian doesn't do this and Space Invaders this is a clear game over. In fact putting in various rodent permutations, the closest we get is Universal's Cheeky Mouse from 1980, a game where rats do fall from the sky and burrow down to steal cheese, but there are no lasers as you whack them with a mallet, or heart shaped love hotel. I would be a few years before they had a hit with Mr Do! so this is obscure. So this only half fits. If anyone reads this and knows. Pop a comment in as its quite a mystery.