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Sunday 28 July 2024

Wild, cats!

 A trip up town yesterday, making sure I avoided the Tommy Tank bring our "Ingerland" home rally and all I see are a bunch of ugly tranners in dresses for a Trans Pride Rally. Jesus they have their own Troon bus. Anyway what you'll want is a brand new book to keep your mind off of this. 

The Secret of Wildcat Swamp, is the 38th Hardy boys book here and one of the last of the original rewritten stories. It involves the boys going out west to dig up a fossil camel with their science teacher, and falling into a mystery along the way. Like  I say its the rewritten edition we have, purloined from school when I left for the last time as we broke up for summer hols.  So this is sort of appropriate. 

It's a good adventure complete with some differences between the two books. The original scans to 25 chapters and extends out the boys riding the rails and meeting a circus strongman that is gone from the rewrite. Also a weird tale about Adam and Eve is also cut from this (something about them being giants) to save space.

Anyway you can get the original and the remake here. and here

Sunday 21 July 2024

Junk Tour

 It's been a while since I've been out of ideas,  posted about the bootsale. It's in a big field in Kent and takes a few buses to get to, so in the end I'm there right at the death, where as twenty years ago it would have been peak time. 

The good thing about being at the end is that there is a lot of free stuff to pick up. We sadly passed over an annotated photo album that had a lot of someone's photos from around the world, this includes Rhodes, which I've been to, just didn't have the room.

We have slides which is always good but is often a challenge to see where places were.

Dover some time in the 70's

 Books are also a good bet, we got a book on the Trees of Europe, and another on metaphor and Aspergers. Me I never had a problem with idiom such as break a leg or such, maybe its because we use them a lot in our family. General directions though are a different matter. 

Normally we have a massive space here for Music related stuff such as records, tapes and CDS. The only thing we had was a Mojo CD on Electro and a cute kid saying that a record was a big DVD. Which was nice.

Lastly we have an Ultraman picture frame. I'll put a photo up of this if anyone wants it its quite cute and that. 

Sunday 14 July 2024

Ghostbusters 2016. How to fix

 Had the misfortune to see this in the week. By Christ is it a fuck awful piece of cinema. One of those films alongside some dreadful Will Ferrell piece that I can only last 10 minutes before I can say I'm out.

The thing is, though I despise feminism in all its forms an all girl Ghostbusters wouldn't be half bad. Just get the right people to do it. Except we have Melissa McCarthy in this who is a constant ball ache and what I took for Cid Highwind from Final Fantasy or buff Simon Belmont from Captain N(once). It is instead Kate McKinnon. 

For yank actresses that are funny you could have had Tina Fey or Amy Poehler in this in fact I have this brainworm that they auditioned Alyssa Milano for this, but a check says no. Hell even a pre slim Rebel Wilson would have been better.

For unfunny American Comdiennes there is always Amy Schumer, and now I've got this hideous thing about her going on about her Helen Hunt. Which  I suppose is one small mercy. 

How would I fix this. I'd put it in the UK. I know it'd be London for international audiences, but ideally  I'd set it somewhere up north. Have Jennifer Saunders play Ray's role, Spengler would of course be Caroline Aherne and Catherine Tate for the Venkman's role. That leaves Meera Syal to be play Winston. I know we would have to have a black woman as an analogue but I can't for the likes of me have Gina Yashere play him.

I wouldn't mind Martin Clunes as the receptionist and for some reason it would have to have Stephen Fry in it. I know she's long gone Caroline Aherne, so this would have to be pitched in the late 90's or mid 2000's. Oh and from the tone it'll obviously be a parody like the old Comic Strip presents titles. 

Sunday 7 July 2024

Ibiza part 2

 So Ibiza then. We're going back this August which was a surprise to me. Same place same resort which is nice. Anyway, TV is the regular thing for the second week back and I have to tell you.. it's not much that isn't to do with football.

Euros here ATM. Which reminds me on a tangent, that the auto teller machines here in Spain show missing person notes on their screens.

Diversion over and we saw a few things in Spanish. Salvage Hunters in Spanish, CSI Miami, and of course Doraemon.  

Ibiza being Ibiza there is a few clubbing channels on the TV including Clubbing TV which through the art of glitch, showed some DJ sets as well as gear reviews (a new Oberheim synth was one.) and someone woman trying to take Simone Angel's crown interviewing some no mark DJ. And every one without fail, glitched and twitched via the art of poor bandwidth and data moshing.  

Not clubbing TV but another channel that succumbed to datamosh

Apart from that, though, little of anything of interest.